Speak Up for Park Pooches in Halifax
Tuesday, January 30, 2007UNDERSTANDABLE if Halifax residents lately feel like they need to be old, big-lipped multi-millionaire rock stars to use some of the city’s best green space for a simple Sunday afternoon frolic, especially if it’s with their best four-legged friend.
Currently in our vast regional municipality, there are only two parks where we can take our pooches and legally let them off their leashes — Seaview Park and some areas of Point Pleasant Park.
The Common — a lovely bit of green in downtown Halifax — forbids leashless doggies, though many of us have been known to take our drooly wonders for an untethered twirl there, too.
To the city’s credit, however, municipal staff are talking seriously about possibly opening up more off-leash dog park areas by 2009.
It seems a long way off, but now is when dog owners need to step up to the food bowl.
The municipality is currently holding public information sessions at various locations. Two sessions have already been held, but there are still four left.