A chunky chocolate challenge

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
On March 20th Bosco was told by the vet that he should trim down a bit. So this is progress of sorts of how he is doing. Keep in mind that the scales are not 100% accurate since dogs are always sitting different or fidgeting on the scale. Bosco was given the goal of getting down to 85lbs. MARCH 20: Bosco weighed in at 99lbs. MARCH 29: Bosco weighed in at 92lbs

Indy update

So Katie was out west visiting her brother so she got to take some recent pics of Indy. I figured I would share them with you. enjoy.

Bosco update

Monday, March 27, 2006
Well a new week is here and the one known as Bosco has battled and won again a long week that has just past. With Katie being away all week the nutty chocolateer had to endue five days of being alone for long hours and never knowing when the next meal was coming! He did it and he did it without a problem. I admit he was like a rocket coming down those stairs when I got home and he could not stop the full body wiggle for a few hours but he did it. He is handling his diet well too, one week on the new food and he seems content. I am going to take him for a weigh in this week, not that I am expecting any changes so soon. It is like I have a title fight for him and I need to drop his weight class before hand. I should get him some sweats and play Eye of the Tiger all day. Has anyone ever started a dog training business I wonder?? I am sure there are camps for fat dogs out there somewhere. The farm (what we like to call Bosco and Mercy) are kind of ruining any drama for future episodes of Desperate House Pets, we caught them snuggling together last week. Of course once they saw we saw them, they had to save face and chase each other around. Bosco is ready for spring and a lot more backyard time. YOu should see the backyard, it is a big pile of shredded sticks. I should hire him out as a mulcher really. Well that is about it. Katie was out visiting her brother in Vancouver and I hear she has taken numerous pics of Indy so I will be posting them soon enough. Have a super day everyone.

Diet: Day 1

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
So I took Bosco to the vet yesterday for his spring shots and all that stuff and found out a few things. First of all it was a new vet from where I used to go with the move to Halifax and all. So it was good that I was able to transfer records to save a lot of time etc. From the checkup it turns out Bosco has gained some weight since we have moved out here. I was kind of suprised because nothing has changed with his eating habits or exercise. He weighed in at 99lbs instead of the 84lbs he used to be. So he has been put on a diet with diet food to get him back into the 80's. Today was the first day of the new plan so we will see how it goes. I am to take him back for weigh ins every few weeks. I figure maybe its a winter weight and once the better weather comes he will trim down. I know that is just denial but thats what I am going with. Other than that Bosco was ok. wish us luck!

The week that was and the week ahead for Bosco

Monday, March 20, 2006
Bosco had a pretty good week this week. We had a friend visiting from Toronto so he had a new person to follow around and charm. He had a bath last night and although he tolerates the bath part, he sure loves the towel off! He continued to look forward to spring and spending more time in the backyard chewing sticks. I am really starting to think that Bosco was a beaver in a past life. The week ahead will be a long one for Bosco. Not only is he going to the vet today for his spring check up and shots, Katie is away for work meaning there will be some long days by himself as I am working all week too. Bosco enjoyed a lot of college basketball on the weekend and was happy with the Gonzaga Bulldogs and the Georgetown Hoyas. He is also getting booked at a doggy day care soon as Katie and I are going to go on a little vacation to Toronto in a month. I know he will love that being around dogs all day long. That is about it, here is a picture from the past weekend. No he did not drink any beer. He was the DD.

Desperate House Pets is here: Episode 1

Friday, March 17, 2006

Bosco likes his booze

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

More Marley and Me

Saturday, March 11, 2006
I came across the website for Marley and Me and it's writer John Grogan. It has a lot of info, a blog about the book, message boards and many pictures of Marley. For anyone who has read the book it is a great place to go and see just how real everything is. I think you should check it out for sure. go to


Friday, March 10, 2006
Happy Friday to you all, how are things? Spring was in the air yesterday and everyone in Halifax was getting a little too excited. So of course we wake up today to see snow back! Damn! so here are some updates over the last few days. There is an exciting new dog blog out that I think you should all check out. It is called Dogster's Community Dog Blog. The editor and dog lover, Joy Ward, will be scouring the dog-iverse and the Dogster-verse for all canine things fun, wonderful and important. She will be writing daily so there should always be something new for you to read. Feel free to post comments, give suggestions and feedback or just to say hello. The first episode of the Desperate House Pets is still being worked on. The writers over at the chocolate dog blog are busy people with other big hits like Kennel Break and Dancing with the Dogs being worked on. So be patient, the plan is to have a story per week so we will see how that works out. Anyways I have to get going but here are some pictures to keep you smiling for the day. Have a good one everyone.

Bosco Book Review: Marley and Me

Thursday, March 09, 2006
Marley and Me- Life and Times of World's worst dog. Last night as I was laying in bed finishing the book with Bosco snuggled at my side I finally finished Marley and Me. It was a pretty fitting moment, reading about man's best friend as he lays there snoring away next to me. Katie is away this week so ignoring very weak rules I have been letting him sleep on the bed with me. Marley and me was a very quick read but at the same time a very good read. It would be entertaining for anyone really but a dog owner (lab especially) will love the book. It maps out the life of Marley, the big old yellow lab that this family loved and grew with over 13 years. It reminded me of day one, going to see Bosco as a puppy at the breeders and makes me look ahead to all the glorious years remaining. I have to admit I am happy Bosco is a much more behaved dog but he is just as crazy and human like. I smiled and laughed a lot during this read and many times I was comparing things to what Bosco has done and think to myself I could of written this book. Labs are very entertaining dogs and any one of them could be a subject to book. I won't lie and say parts of the book are easy to read but that is what its like to be a pet owner, you know the day comes where old age sets in. I still think it is a worthy read for anyone who has had a dog or lost of dog or even wants to get a dog. It is impossible to think a person could get through this book without laughing out loud or crying. I guess that is what a pet can do to us, leave us at our most vunerable but that is also what makes them so great. I highly recommend this book and will be pushing all my friends and family to give it a try. If you live close by you are more than welcome to borrow it. Off to start Bosco and Me: World's most chocolatey dog.

Coming Soon!!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bosco's friends

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I made up a page that has pictures of Bosco's friends. Take a look and I will get around to adding more pictures soon. This link will also get added to the list on the right side of the page. Bosco's Friends picture page is here


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