Dog-owners 'lead healthier lives'

Well I read a very interesting and promising article today on the BBC website.
If you want to live a healthier life get a dog, research suggests.
The companionship offered by many pets is thought to be good for you, but the benefits of owning a dog outstrip those of cat owners, the study says.
A psychologist from Queen's University, Belfast, said dog owners tended to have lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Writing in the British Journal of Health Psychology, she says that regular 'walkies' may partly explain the difference.
Dr Deborah Wells reviewed dozens of earlier research papers which looked at the health benefits of pet ownership.
As my friend who sent me the link said, I must be one healthy guy! I would like to think so and Bosco has a big part in that. It is exercise and stress relief for sure and knowing he is always there when I get home, needing me for something.
Bosco also suggests checking these out:
Children with pets 'more healthy'