Bosco had a pretty good Saturday yesterday. The weather was great so we went for a long walk with the chuck it. Throw after throw, Bosco kept running the ball down and coming back. He certainly got tired out for that. After we got home that meant long nap time. Katie and I were out grocery shopping and I picked him up a chewy bone that would certainly make him happy.After giving it too him of course he has it gone in about two hours but oh well he was happy.

He got to hang out a lot in the back yard and chew on his log too.
After a long day in the sun, what better way to end the day with a nap on the couch.
Being a Bosco is sure rough.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Well he is not actually in the news but I figured I should get some recent news up about what the chocolate guy is up to.
The Chair:
As you may of seen from various pictures we have this huge chair in our living room that Bosco loves to sleep in. Before I moved in that was pretty much Mercy's chair to sleep in. Recently Mercy has started to take back what is his and it is creating some comedy. Both of the guys now want to sleep in the chair and it is almost like they race for it. Last night Mercy was sleeping in it and Bosco kept looking and waiting and trying to think of a way to get in that chair! Finally he tried to get up in the chair as Mercy slept. He stood there, turning, trying to fit his large body in but could not. Mercy was not budging either. Very funny! Finally Bosco settled for the floor until later on when Mercy got up.
Tree Hugger:
I do not know how it got there but there was this very large log out front of our house and yesterday Bosco noticed it. He of course had to go and get it and drag it to the backyard like he was dragging some person down the driveway. It is now his favorite thing to do, go to the backyard and chew on it. Now only if he could carve something useful out of it.
Monday, May 08, 2006
We went for a long spring walk yesterday and Bosco got in some swimming time. He wanted to jump over the wall as you will see in the pics due to being so excited for going swimming. Here are some shots of the walk.
Hope everyone is having a great day and thanks for all the feedback, emails and for those I have swapped links with. It is cool how this community keeps growing and growing.

Katie driving the B-Train

I will jump if you let me

Such a poser

Happy as can be, fetching a ball in the water
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Collie + Lhasa ApsoCollapso, a dog that folds up for easy transport
Spitz + Chow ChowSpitz-Chow, a dog that throws up a lot
Pointer + SetterPoinsetter, a traditional Christmas pet
Great Pyrenees + DachshundPyradachs, a puzzling breed
Pekingnese + Lhasa ApsoPeekasso, an abstract dog
Irish Water Spaniel + English Springer SpanielIrish Springer, a dog fresh and clean as a whistle
Labrador Retriever + Curly Coated RetrieverLab Coat Retriever, the choice of research scientists
Newfoundland + Basset HoundNewfound Asset Hound, a dog for financial advisors
Terrier + BulldogTerribull, a dog that makes awful mistakes
Bloodhound + LabradorBlabador, a dog that barks incessantly
Malamute + Pointer Moot Point, owned by... oh, well, it doesn't matter anyway
Collie + Malamute Commute, a dog that travels to work
Bull Terrier + ShitzuOh, never mind...