Chewy day for B
Bosco had a pretty good Saturday yesterday. The weather was great so we went for a long walk with the chuck it. Throw after throw, Bosco kept running the ball down and coming back. He certainly got tired out for that. After we got home that meant long nap time. Katie and I were out grocery shopping and I picked him up a chewy bone that would certainly make him happy.After giving it too him of course he has it gone in about two hours but oh well he was happy.
He got to hang out a lot in the back yard and chew on his log too.

After a long day in the sun, what better way to end the day with a nap on the couch.
Being a Bosco is sure rough.

Chewing is good.
5/25/2006 12:54:00 AM
I really like the log. That ought to last all summer if he's careful. As for chews - Ginger swallows them whole - so we use Nylabone's. Nothing else works. Soft toys are out too - she swallows them as well.
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