Happy Friday to you all, how are things? Spring was in the air yesterday and everyone in Halifax was getting a little too excited. So of course we wake up today to see snow back! Damn!
so here are some updates over the last few days.
There is an exciting new dog blog out that I think you should all check out. It is called
Dogster's Community Dog Blog. The editor and dog lover, Joy Ward, will be scouring the dog-iverse and the Dogster-verse for all canine things fun, wonderful and important. She will be writing daily so there should always be something new for you to read. Feel free to post comments, give suggestions and feedback or just to say hello.
The first episode of the Desperate House Pets is still being worked on. The writers over at the chocolate dog blog are busy people with other big hits like Kennel Break and Dancing with the Dogs being worked on. So be patient, the plan is to have a story per week so we will see how that works out.
Anyways I have to get going but here are some pictures to keep you smiling for the day. Have a good one everyone.
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on Friday, March 10, 2006 at 3/10/2006 09:45:00 AM.
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