Well a new week is here and the one known as Bosco has battled and won again a long week that has just past. With Katie being away all week the nutty chocolateer had to endue five days of being alone for long hours and never knowing when the next meal was coming! He did it and he did it without a problem. I admit he was like a rocket coming down those stairs when I got home and he could not stop the full body wiggle for a few hours but he did it.
He is handling his diet well too, one week on the new food and he seems content. I am going to take him for a weigh in this week, not that I am expecting any changes so soon. It is like I have a title fight for him and I need to drop his weight class before hand. I should get him some sweats and play Eye of the Tiger all day. Has anyone ever started a dog training business I wonder?? I am sure there are camps for fat dogs out there somewhere.
The farm (what we like to call Bosco and Mercy) are kind of ruining any drama for future episodes of
Desperate House Pets, we caught them snuggling together last week. Of course once they saw we saw them, they had to save face and chase each other around.
Bosco is ready for spring and a lot more backyard time. YOu should see the backyard, it is a big pile of shredded sticks. I should hire him out as a mulcher really.
Well that is about it. Katie was out visiting her brother in Vancouver and I hear she has taken numerous
pics of Indy so I will be posting them soon enough. Have a super day everyone.