where did I leave off?
Oh yes I decided that I wanted my own dog and now it was time to go for it. I did not do that much research to be honest and maybe that was naive on my part but I just wanted one fast. I called a breeder in Milton that was posted in the Toronto Star classifieds. I called and set up a meeting to see the litter of chocolates that they just had. I guess the dad was a well accomplished chocolate show dog and the mom was a great and nice black lab. I booked a time to get out to Milton and I was very excited. I started doing more research into cost and what I would need to buy. I had a few friends who have had dogs for years give me some tips.
The day came to head out to Milton and I do not have a car so I had to take transit. This meant a go bus! I was going somewhere I had never been and so I left incredibly early. So I am on my way excited to meet the little chocolate guy and I get to the station in Milton and guess what. I forgot all the notes I had with the address and phone number of where I was going. I was in a panic for sure, the Go station was empty and closed for renovations and all I had was a pay phone. I tried to remember a name or anything that would help but I did not know Milton at all. My dream of a chocolate was fading.
I called a cab and fate stepped in, I got this nice little old man as my cab driver and I explained the situation to him and he wanted to help. He gave me street names and a map to try and jog my memory. Funny enough a name did seem familiar to me so I said lets go there. Sure enough we pull up and there is a large dog cage in the back of a pick up truck! It was the place!!
I made it and knocked and they were expecting me. As soon as I got in the backyard, there they were! 9 little chocolates running around, all with different coloured pipe cleaners on their necks to separate them. They were very friendly and were pulling on my shoe laces. 7 had been spoken for so I said I would take one, I paid my deposit and filled out some stuff and it was done!! I did not know what one I would get yet because it was based on who was left after the first 7 were gone. I was pretty happy and certainly excited to get my own dog. I still had to wait a week before they were ready to leave mom.
here is a pic of the litter.

Tomorrow I will tell the next chapter in the story. The coming home party!
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on Thursday, December 08, 2005 at 12/08/2005 12:13:00 PM.
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Aren’t they just the sweetest at that age? You could just eat ‘em up.
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