No snow yet, soon

No, no it is not snowing that bad yet but there have been flurries in Halifax that last few days. It melts once it hits the ground but it is a chilling reminder of what is to come very soon.
Bosco does not care however, he loves the snow and because he stays so warm it does not bother him to stay out much longer than I want to. Even today it was pretty chilling in the park, tossing the ball over and over again. Bosco's breath was clear to see and yet in his world it is like summer out there. Funny that the only weather he hates in the rain. Go figure since he loves to swim and get wet any chance he can. Maybe the rain just depresses him or it bothers his face and it pitter patters off his nose?
In other news, Mercy has reclaimed the chair in the living room and when the couch is full as well Bosco gets very pouty and goes upstairs to lay down. It is almost as if the floor is not good enough for him anymore and I guess that is really our fault.
Yep life is hard when you are a dog. I am sure right now as I type this he is somewhere quite cozy on some piece of furniture. Hey at least he has learned to stay off the bed so that is a small victory I guess.
Okay time to go have some lunch as the dog day afternoon continues.
Labels: bosco news