Ice chocolate

Not much going on with Bosco today. The usual trip to the park to chase after tennis balls. Tomorrow and Thursday he is with Katie as I will be working. I hope they have fun.
Bosco went to the vet yesterday, he is officially under 80lbs. 79 lbs for the boss man. I am starting to think he is wasting away haha. We also stopped in at House of Dogs for some shampoo but they don't think he needs any so that was fine with me. Labs have a natural oil that keeps their coat all nice and shiny that you really do not want to wash away. He does not smell either so really there is no point.
We did pick him up a treat and he has been chewing on it for days. Oh the simple things in life, a three dollar bone keeps him out of trouble for days.
He is sitting in the chair next to me pretending to sleep but I Know he is reading over my shoulder to make sure I am saying nice things.
See you in a few days when I have more time to blog again.
Labels: bosco news
Labs are pretty easy to handle in terms of grooming, that's for sure. I actually have an easy time grooming them, since it mostly includes bathing with a gentle shampoo that won't strip their oils and giving them a nice brush out to get rid of all that extra dog hair around the house.;-)Most people that don't have experience actually think that because Labs have short hair, they don't shed much. Ha! We know better.
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