Hi, Michael. I'm writing from a PR firm to tell you - and Bosco - about an online promotion that benefits the National Borzoi Rescue Foundation. I thought you might be interested in passing this along to your - well, Bosco's - readers.
What it is: GourmetStation.com, a company that creates in-home dining experiences, is running a contest called "Get Out of the Dog House." They are asking people to submit a short, under two-minute video on how they got in and how they got out of "the dog houseā with family, friends or associates by Oct. 7. The top three winners will receive a 12-, six- or three-month Dinner of the Month Club certificate from GourmetStation.com (worth upwards of $1,000). During this promo, GourmetStation.com is offering $10 off every order it sells and donating the money to Borzoi Rescue.
Thanks for your time, and let me know if you have any questions. For more information about the National Borzoi Rescue Foundation, you can visit: www.nbrf.info.
For more information about the contest, please visit http://www.myspace.com/getoutofthedoghouse.
For more information about GourmetStation, please visit www.gourmetstation.com.
Charlie Kondek
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on Friday, September 15, 2006 at 9/15/2006 06:04:00 PM.
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