New site to check out
Greetings! My name is Heidi and I’m involved with—a community-generated website created by dog lovers for dog lovers. Since you're an active dog blogger, I'm writing to invite you to visit the site and get involved in the wikiFido community:
Create a page for your dog! wikiFido wouldn't be complete without your dog -- it's easy and free to create a profile for your best buddy complete with text, links, and pictures. It takes mere moments to start your dog tribute page, so get started!
Check out the dog blogs! We've recently started a directory of the best dog blogs on the Web, and yours is included! If you like what you see on wikiFido, consider creating a link back to us from your site.
Many thanks for your kind consideration. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly!
I checked it out and what do you know, Bosco is already on there haha

Hey fellow Canadian!
I hate the mail man! Who does he think he is carrying his oversized sack over his shoulder and trespassing all over our lawn the way he does???
Truly the lowest form of a human.
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