So you must be wondering what Bosco has been up to on his birthday so far??? Well the weather has not really been helpful since it has been raining all day. The plan was to go for a long walk and a swim but that turned into a short walk and some chuck it fun.
Bosco did get some good presents though. A chewing loopy ball thingy from Katie and I got him a new stuffed toy. A big ol' octupus this time. He has been seen and heard running around the house with both of them today. Naps, treats and lots of cuddles, talk about a great day! Here are the pics. Thanks for all the visits today, as of now we are on our way to a record!!

thanks Katie

Oh whats that!

Bosco likes presents

All hail Octo!
This entry was posted
on Monday, July 24, 2006 at 7/24/2006 06:01:00 PM.
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Happy Birthday Bosco!!!
Hehe... You're such a big boy now!!! Make sure you listen to Mike and Katie, and no more rolling in dead animals!!! ok?
I miss you too buddy. I gained weight too since I don't have a jogging buddy anymore. I'm gonna have to ask Mike about your diet program. Take care big guy. I'll have beer for you tonight. =)
7/25/2006 08:09:00 PM
Happy Birthday Bosco!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry about the bad weather, but we hope you have lots of fun with your new toys!
Lots of hugs and puppy kisses,
Nat and Petey
8/01/2006 03:59:00 PM
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