Do you ever have days when it is like your dog just woke up stupid? Today was one of those days and Bosco seemed to of forgotten everything I thought he knew.
He was not interested in playing fetch today, not listening to me and just being a difficult dog. He has these days from time to time and you can totally tell he is just being a teenager. Ignoring and doing his own thing just to bug me. That is all fine and dandy but it is hard to put up with.
I usually get very strict and remind him how things work and he has to listen. Making him sit before every toss, making him come straight back without stops for sniffs. Anything to reassert to him that I am the boss and he is not. Seems to snap him back into it after a bit and Bosco is a big kiss ass when he knows he is in the dog house. So now I am sure he will be the best dog ever for the rest of today and lets see what dog wakes up tomorrow morning.