Please, Bosco would like your help

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
The Chocolate Dog Blog has moved


We are all set up at our new home so please check out the new digs

Could you all please:

  • update your bookmarks
  • RSS feeds if you suscribe
  • let me know if I missed your link in the blogroll
  • let me know how you like the new look
  • continue to be part of the best fans out there
Thank you!

I would also like to add another friend to Bosco's crew. A big warm welcome to Lucy's Dog House!


Moving pains

We are in the process of moving the CDB over to wordpress so please be patient. Bosco is a slow packer so odds are good we will be here for a bit.

Once we move to our better digs, we will update the links etc. so don't worry. Everything will be as good as new in a few days. Feel free to stop by for a housewarming here.

Pleasant park walk

Sunday, March 04, 2007
Yesterday the weather in Halifax was amazing and after a long winter it was too good to pass up. It was sunny and 10 degrees Celcius so that meant a great chance to take Bosco on a fun walk.

Katie wanted to practice her driving so we decided to pack up Bosco in the car and take him to Point Pleasant Park.

It was very muddy and slushy so that meant it was going to be a fun trip for the Boss, he just loves to get dirty.

Once we got there, it was clear the rest of the city had the same idea as us, there were a lot of dogs there already.

We walked around for 30 minutes or so, let Bosco run wild thanks to part of the park being off leash and got some much needed fresh air.

We were trying to keep track of how many times Bosco went #1 but I think we lost count at 11. He drinks a lot of water!

Highlights of the walk were running crazy in the trees, chasing other fun dogs, sloshing around in the snow and of course finding some nice sticks to chew on.

As always here are some pictures to check out. Hope everyone else is having a super weekend.

Wishing, waiting

Here is a classic picture of Bosco waiting to go for his walk in the morning. How can you even try to ignore that? Talk about non-violent action.